Piazza Napoleone – the “Piazza Grande” meeting center of Lucca

Piazza Napoleone, almost always called Piazza Grande, is a landmark meeting point of the historic center and welcomes some events and attractions of the city life.
The square, as its name rather large, is located in the south of the historic center, not too far from the walls.
Like all the squares of Lucca is surrounded by historic buildings, in particular stands Palazzo Ducale, now home to offices and periodic cultural exhibitions.
Full of restaurants and historic shops, Piazza Grande is magical during the Christmas period. A large ice skating rink is installed and the horse market and carousel arrive, creating a truly magical atmosphere!
Among the events in which Piazza Napoleone participates, we remember of course the Summer Festival and some stands of Lucca Comics.
Nearby attractions and facilities

Da Ciacco
P.za Napoleone, 10, 55100 Lucca LU

Da Umberto
P.za Napoleone, 24, 55100 Lucca LU